Monday, July 28, 2014

Mission Statement or at Least a Mini-Biography

My American Journey - as of 2014
So, this is who I am: a California native, an Idaho resident, a Boise State graduate with a B.A. in anthropology, a graduate student in Southeast Asian studies, recreational scuba diver, and avid people watcher - I am also (as can been seen above and below) an advocate of the Oxford comma. I have lived in Ecuador and Okinawa, California, Idaho, Virginia, and upstate New York. I have visited 42 of the 50 US states, 11 foreign countries, and am preparing to move to Southeast Asia where I will be traveling through the region for the first time over the course of a 12 month regional familiarization period. I am a native English speaker, a fluent non-native Spanish speaker, and after a year of study (and an additional year of non-study), a horrible Thai speaker, something I hope to remedy after my post-graduation move to Bangkok later this year.
My International Journey - as of 2014
I have not traveled as much as some, but I have been fortunate enough to travel more than most. During my adventures I have come to two distinct and contradictory conclusions: first, all people are pretty much the same no matter where you go. Second, people are greatly different everywhere you go.
My goal on this site is to record some of what I have seen and what I may yet see in the future. While this is primarily a means for me to make a record of my accounts, it is my hope that others - family, friends, and perfect strangers - might find something of interest in my journeys. I have no idea how often I will post here, but I intend for this to be the first of many articles.

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